Selasa, 09 Juni 2015


Junk food is identical with fast food. This type of food is generally consumed by urban residents who have limited time so that they choose to consume this food that does not need to wait for a long time to eat. Junk food is kind of food that is not advisable to be consumed too often because this type of food is lack of nutritional value but it contains high enough calories, fat, and sugar. Junk food has become part of people’s life in the urban areas that are very busy with the activity of work. Junk food includes a hamburger, hot dogs, French fries, carbonated drink, candy and various types of cake that use an artificial sweetener.
Too often consuming junk food can cause bad impacts for your health. The low nutritional content as well as the high calories conceived by junk food can trigger various diseases. The most possible impact of too much consuming junk food is obesity. Besides, junk food can also increase the risk of diabetes, a heart attack, as well as hypertension.
Obesity by lay people is identified as overweight or obese. But medically, Obesity is defined as having excess fat in the body. Obesity increases the risk of other diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Doctors use the BMI (body mass index) which is based on weight and height to determine whether you suffer from obesity.Extreme obesity or severe obesity dikeal with the term morbid obesity. Is a condition where a person has a BMI of 40 or more. If you fall into the category of morbid obesity, you are threatened with serious heart problems.
There are genetic and hormonal influences on body weight. The most fundamental thing is that obesity occurs when the body receives more calories than you burn. Calories are then accumulate and become fat. Obesity can occur due to many factors, "However, 90% obesity occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle," said dr. Inge Permadhi, MS, SpGK, clinical nutrition specialist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.
One factor is due to the intake of foods that exceed the needs without balanced enough activity, or a fancy term, sedentary lifestyle (lifestyle without moving). In fact, enough activity needed to burn off extra energy. If this does not happen, then the excess energy will be converted into fat and stored in fat cells. But, do not immediately panic when considering the amount of food you ate last night. Because this did not happen in a short time, but in a fairly long period of time.
A study carried out by the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, researched the harmful effects of junk food. This research obtain the conclusion that eating fast food twice or more in a week have the possibility of 27 percent larger to develop diabetes and 56 percent die because of diseases of the heart, compared to participants who seldom or never eat fast food. Even the participants that are known eat fast food four times or more in a week, have the risk of death from a heart attack which increase to 80 percent. Western people are fond of consuming junk food so that their insulin hormone remains high the rest of the day. This case can lead to metabolic processes in the body to be disrupted as well as raising the risk of diabetes type 2.
The women who are pregnant should avoid eating junk food. Eating junk food is not only bad herself but also for the baby. The baby will be so vulnerable to diabetes and hypertension. Besides, a number of studies in china revealed that the rate of breast cancer in the country has increased due to the modern lifestyle that people consume junk food too often.
Furthermore, a research from the University of Adelaide shows that eating full of junk food for children will make their IQ two points lower than a child who does not eat much junk food. Even though the IQ difference is not so subtle, this study proves that children’s way of eating at age of 6 to 24 months give small but significant effects on their IQ when they reach eight years old. Therefore, it is important for parents to consider the long-term impact of food that is given to their children. In addition, some junk foods have the addictive substances as well as containing an artificial sweetener. These substances will make a child become more hyper and easily distracted. This will cause the child, especially a male, to like fighting.
Although junk foods taste good and can be obtained easily and quickly, it has enough risk to health so that you are advised not to consume this kind of food too often. It will be better if we include green vegetables and fruits to consume. A study conducted by the University of Leicester found that green vegetables and fruits are able to reduce the risk of diabetes type 2 until 14 percent.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 10 types of junk foods that need rekans subtract, even avoided. Because if constantly consumed due to the resulting effects detrimental to health. among others are:
1. Fried
Junk food contains calories, fats / oils, and high oxidant. If consumed regularly, can cause a variety of diseases ranging from obesity, coronary heart disease, and cancer (due to karsiogenik substance produced in the frying process).
2. Noodles and fast food (fast food)
The food was very tasty and practically this turned out to contain very high amounts of salt, as well as vitamins and minerals in a very low number. High salinity containing trans lipids, aggravate the burden of kidney and heart blood vessels, and raises blood pressure.
3. Meat Offal and Fatty
These foods contain saturated fat and high cholesterol. Offal consumption in large quantities and long periods of time can cause coronary heart disease, malignant tumors, and cancer.
4. pickled
The amount of salt that exceeds the limit will burden the load on the kidneys, damaging the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestinal damage, and increase the risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Which is not known by most people is that ammonium nitrite is often added in the marinating process. These substances pose a risk of cancer of the nose and throat.
5. Processed Meat
Foods that can be included in this category is food such as meatballs, sausages, nuggets, ham, corned, and so on. These foods contain salt nitrite likely to cause cancer, preservatives and dyes that are at risk for heart and renal sodium burdensome labor and labile blood pressure.
6. Baked food / Burned
If consumed regularly in high quantities and for long periods, these foods will increase the risk of cancer because they contain cancer-causing substances.
7. Serving Sweet Frozen
Ice cream and frozen junk food cake is an example of this group. Junk food contains high levels of butter that cause obesity, high sugar levels which reduces appetite, and low temperatures are negative effects on the intestine.
8. Dry Manisan
Contains nitrate salts, dried candied will join the ammonium in the body and produce karsiogenik substance that would damage the organs, especially the liver. These foods will also lead to high blood pressure and kidney damage.
9. Canned Food
The content of vitamins and protein in the canned food of course is reduced when compared to natural. This automatically lowers the nutritional value, coupled with interaction with cans and preservatives that contain various harmful chemicals. Canned fruits is much more dangerous, because it contains sugar and high calories.
10. Processed Cheese
Processed cheese foods consumed in large quantities will add weight to raise blood sugar levels. Fat and high sugar cause stomach emptying, hyperakiditas, and burning.
You can avoid the processed foods as much as possible by eating all natural foods that did not experience processing (whole food). Because the less junk food that you eat, the less desire to devour him. Just follow the tips below, compiled by Liz Vaccariello of
1. Apply the Rule Five Ingredients
Check the material composition in the packaging labels of processed foods before you buy them. Should avoid buying foods that contain more than five ingredients. Or at least, do not make the product as your daily consumption. This way you avoid a sudden desire to buy a rich flavor chips or cookies in the packaging when shopping.
2. Select Three Colors
Research at Cornell University in 2012 revealed that people prefer to see there are three types of food with three different colors on the top plate. So, instead of eating candy, just choose a snack in the form of nuts (which are rich in good fats), sliced ​​fruit and a small piece of dark chocolate (dark chocolate) to obtain a variety of colors, textures, as well as nutrition.
3. Change Routines
Just needed a few weeks to form a habit. If at certain times you get used menyambangi favorite fast food shop, start with a positive healthy activities, such as walking around your office complex for five minutes.
4. Friendly With Healthy Food
Only the consumption of foods that are simple, yet healthy, as a dessert. Fruits, such as grapes in your refrigerator, it may be an option.
5. Ensure Healthy Foods Easily Reached
Try begin storing healthy foods in a place easily accessible. The most easily visible in the refrigerator or on the kitchen table can be the right choice. Unhealthy snack devoured very easy because just open the packaging alone. So, always provide slices of fruit or vegetables are ready to eat so that you are more tempted to mencocolnya with hummus.
6. Identification of the food Penggoyah
Know what foods are the usual triggers your desire to eat unhealthy snack. If the red velvet cake or pretzels are usually the easiest to shake your faith, it would be nice to get rid of those foods from your home.
7. Know Facts Negative
Find out the contents whatever is in the fast food you eat. Negative facts in foods, such as carcinogenic substances, preservatives, can make you think again and again to make friends with these foods.
8. Chew Longer
"If you can get people to chew longer, you will make them consume less," was revealed Adam Melonas, founder of UNREAL candy. So every time you eat unhealthy snack, chew slowly and with full awareness. Make sure you swallow whole foods in your mouth first before entering again the next mouthful.


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